Sunday, June 9, 2013

 It seems like that's all I've been doing lately.  My work (i.e. my job outside the home) has been taking up way too much time lately, and its going to continue for a little while yet.

Our organization has gone through its 2nd re-structuring in 2.5 years and this time, its a doozy.  One fewer general managers, about 10 fewer managers, and a bunch of re-shuffling.  As part of this, I decided to post for a different position in the company... and I got it! :-)

I am now a manager in the business and I will have approximately 50 people reporting directly to me.  Yikes!  It is a bit scary, but also exciting at the same time.  I look forward to the challenges and hope that I can put my good ideas to use.

However, all this means a little less quilting time and less time to post on here.  So don't be too surprised if there is a bit more time between posts now.  I will try to keep up with it and I have been doing some quilting and sewing, I just will not have as much time to do this fun stuff until I get a bit more settled in the new routine of what needs to be done. 

Wish me luck!  I'll also be quilting vicariously through all of you... so keep on quilting and posting!  :-)

Happy Crafting!
~Sarah at upstateNYCreations


  1. congrats on the job, hope you will like it and still have time for a little quilting in your down time

  2. How fortunate and Congratulations! Jane

  3. congrats on the new job! Good luck making time for quilting! :)
